Tuesday, June 30, 2009

gee gee gee baby baby baby

wow, it looks i pretty much abandoned this blog..lol
I'm going to start up again and try to post stuff more frequently..

it feels so strange looking at the photo below ..it seems so
long ago, yet i remember everything like it was yesterday..so. i chopped my hair off! i wish i had done it sooner!... so many pluses: no more neck pain, i don't have to tie it up in a ponytail, no more oily roots and dried ends, no more waiting forever for my hair to dry...and best of all, i have all virgin hair again! whoo hoo...which means no more tangles..i just have to run a comb through my hair and that's it... i haven't been able to do that in ages.... :D
getting my hair cut just reaffirmed the idea that hair is just hair, it'll grow out so there's no point becoming super attached with it.

my new mini-obsession lately has been 3d beaded charms, and chinese/korean/japanese knots both require an incredible amount of time and skill..neither of which i have..
so i've been looking at them in awe...but i think i'll try to tackle one of the simpler knot projects..

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

looking but not seeing

There have been many instances in my life where things would be right in front of my face, but I didn't really see it, or I'd have a weird, distorted view of it and realize later what was actually going on. And I can't help but feel like a similar situation is happening right now with my appearance. Actually, there are a lot of things going on in that department, but let's just concentrate on the hair for right now...lol

My Mom has been nagging/harassing me lately to cut my hair, because in her view, I look like a "Korean ghost." lol..In addition to looking sloppy and unpolished. I hope I don't look like a walking ghost, but I can't be a honest judge of that... I know I can't always see things objectively when I look in the mirror, but I try to put myself "together" before going out in public or atleast, put on some makeup. But after hearing my Mom say these things, I can't help but wonder if I do project this type of image. If I actually do look like a dirty hippie, or like the type person who is so attached to her hair that she's unwilling to cut it, even though she clearly does not look good w/ this type of hairstyle. I don't know...

I know I shouldn't be attached to something like hair esp. since it grows back, but I don't know, I have this weird phobia that if I cut it I'm going to regret it and it'll take me foreeeveerr to grow back. and I guess another hangup is that I think my hair is the only good asset I have, which I know violates every self-confidence rule and watever, but it's true. I don't know, maybe that should be more reason for me to chop it off. I don't know, maybe I need a change in my life...the past few days have been a big "i don't know."

My current haircut. Not too bad right? I cut it myself after a botched attempt at trimming my ends at home and then going to Borics to have them "fix" it. I decded to take matters into my own hands and fix the "professional's" mistakes at home. Lucikly, I was able to straighten it out and cut some layers. I got a little scissor happy, so the front is a bit short, but not bad for someone who didn't go to beauty school..lol

I have from now (2:50 am) to 9:oo am to decide whether I want to cut my hair. My mom set up an appointment for me at 10:00 am, so if I decide not to cut my hair I have to make a decision by 9. we'll see what happens...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

...islands in the stream

I love discovering old school music from the '70s or '80s. I always seem stumble upon it when I need it most in my life... and I end up thinking how they hell did I go so long w/o knowing about this artist or song! The last time I felt this way was when I discovered Georgette Heyer. I randomly bought one of her books at Borders and the rest is history...

Anyways, my newest love is Ms Dolly Parton. Yes, she's a country singer and yes, she has a cheesey/tacky getup. I def. had my own stereotypes and opinions, but she's amazzzing! She's an incredible song writer and her songs are so timeless..

..I bet you didn't know she originally sang this before Ol' Dirty Bastard sampled it

another fave

and finally..

Another Oldie but Goodie, John Denver. I always loved him, but until recently I haven't been a very loyal fan. When my comp. crashed I waited a full three years before downloading his music again. Luckily, I was able to catch an episode of The Office, and it totally rekindled my love for John Denver

these guys are so adorable!


Lately, I've noticed that people handle stress in very different ways. People seem to crumble, become angry, or procrastinate, but there are those who accept the stress, and thrive. I used to think that stress eventually translated to frustration and then anger. Not true. After witnessing first-hand how much of a toll this type of behavior has on the people around them, I decided to make a conscious effort to try and prevent me from projecting my frustrations on others. Therefore, I'm going to use this blog as my own personal stress reliever. Hopefully, I'll be able to channel all my pent up anxiety/stress into something creative.